
Ninth Grade Academy 101



Putting The Pieces Together!

Welcome to Columbia High School's teachers edition of Ninth Grade Academy 101! This year will be rewarding if you help students accept the challenge to take responsibility for their learning. The expectations teachers have for their students and the assumptions they make about their potential have a tangible effect on student achievement. Research "clearly establishes that teacher expectations do play a significant role in determining how well and how many students learn" (Bamburg, 1994). Students tend to internalize the beliefs teachers have about their ability. Generally, they "rise or fall to the level of expectation of their teachers.... When teachers believe in students, students believe in themselves. When those you respect think you can, YOU think you can" (Raffini, 1993). Conversely, when students are viewed as lacking in ability or motivation and are not expected to make significant progress, they tend to adopt this perception of themselves. Regrettably, some students, particularly those from certain social, economic, or ethnic groups, discover that their teachers consider them "incapable of handling demanding work" (Gonder, 1991). Teachers' expectations for students-whether high or low-can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. That is, students tend to give to teachers as much or as little as teachers expect of them. A characteristic shared by most highly effective teachers is their adherence to uniformly high expectations. They "refuse to alter their attitudes or expectations for their students-regardless of the students' race or ethnicity, life experiences and interests, and family wealth or stability" (Omotani, 1996).

By Completing this WebQuest for Ninth Grade Academy 101 you will be more apt to increase student interest in thier own learning, increase student achievement in classes, increase student attendance and decrease student discipline problems.  It is my belief that you will find this activity helpful in increasing your knowledge on ways to help students transition into high school.

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