
Multicultural Considerations in Technology Model Lesson




# 4 3 2 1 Score
Culture Consideration Form - All questions are answered in the Culture Consideration Form - Questions are answered in complete sentences -Responses to questions are clear and show an understanding of the culture of consumer - All questions are answered in the Culture Consideration Form - Questions are answered in complete sentences -Responses to questions are somewhat clear and show some understanding of the culture of consumer - All questions are answered in the Culture Consideration Form - Some questions are answered in complete sentences -Responses to questions are somewhat clear and start to show an understanding of the culture of consumer - Some or no questions are answered in the Culture Consideration Form - Some or no questions are answered in complete sentences -Responses to questions show little to no understanding of the culture of consumer 4/4
Survey and NewsEla Articles - Completed Survey - 2 indicated articles were read and assignment (quiz) was completed -Both articles' Quiz score was 90% and above - Completed Survey - 2 indicated articles were read and assignment (quiz) was completed - Both articles' Quiz score was 75% and above - Completed Survey - 1 or 2 indicated articles were read and assignment (quiz) was completed - Survey was incomplete - Articles were not read or completed 4/4
Blueprint and Instructions - Completed Blueprint - Blueprint had all parts labeled and included the tile - Instructions and Objectives were clear - Game instructions and objectives were clear for considered consumer - Completed Blueprint - Blueprint had most parts labeled and included the tile - Instructions and Objectives were mostly clear - Some evidence of consumer consideration in objective and directions - Completed Blueprint - Blueprint had some parts labeled and included the tile - Instructions and Objectives were somewhat clear - Very little evidence of consumer consideration in objective and directions - Incomplete Blueprint - Blueprint had very little or no parts labeled - Tile was not included - Instructions and Objectives were not clear - No evidence of consumer consideration in objective and directions 4/4
Business License and Advertisement - Completed Business License - License description was clear and creative - Completed Advertisement - Advertisement was neat, information was clear, and consumer considerations were present - Completed Business License - License description was mostly clear - Completed Advertisement - Advertisement was mostly neat, information was mostly clear, and some consumer considerations were present - Completed Business License - License description was somewhat clear - Advertisement was somewhat neat, information was somewhat clear, and contained little to no consumer considerations present - Incomplete Business License - License description was not clear - Advertisement was not neat, information was not clear, and consumer considerations were not present 4/4

Total Score: 16/16

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