



Self-assessment involves you making judgments about your own work. 
Self-assessment can be extremely valuable in helping you to critique your own work, and form judgments about your strengths and weaknesses.
So that, in this step you will test yourself with a questionnaire you will find as a resource file at the bottom of this page.


Then, you will evaluate you and your group following the Rubric below.
The teacher will do the same and finally, we will compare the results all together.


# Distinguished Proficient Basic Unsatisfactory Score
Listening Skills Got more than 76% as final score of this activity Scored between 51% and 75% in the listening assignment Scored between 26 % and 50% in this kind of task Got less than 25 % in the listening activity 40
Reading Skills Students completely identify and assess the importance and quality of all supporting data/details or evidence due to thorough comprehension. Students are able to identify most supporting data/details or evidence due to some comprehension. Students are able to identify some supporting data/details or evidence due to limited comprehension. Students express difficulty in identifying supporting data/details or evidence due to lack of comprehension. 40
Writing Production Haiku format is very attractive and easy to read.The topic of the poem is clearly related to nature. Illustrations are extremely creative and appropriate. Haiku format is attractive and easy to read. The topic of the poem is somewhat related to nature. Illustrations are attractive and appropriate. Haiku format is easy to read. The topic of the poem could be related to nature. Illustrations are appropriate but unimaginative. Haiku format is not attractive or easy to read. The topic of the poem is not related to nature. Illustrations are dull and/or not appropriate 40
Group Work All members contribute equally, and some even contribute more than is required. All members work well together all of the time; assist others when needed. All members contribute equally. Members work well together most of the time. All members contribute, but some contribute more than others. Members work well together some of the time. Some teacher intervention is needed. One or more members do not contribute. Teacher's intervention is needed often to help group cooperate. 40

Total Score: 160

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