
Argumentative Essay WebQuest



Task 4: Now that you have completed your investigation, your task is to write a mini-argument for or against any of the topics listed at the following website:  http://www.worksheetplace.com/index.php?function=DisplaySheet&sheet=Debate-Topics&links=2&id=&link1=43&link2=360.  The mini-argument is a shorter version of an argumentative essay and should follow the 11-sentence paragraph format that we have worked with this year.  You can refer to this link for an outline of the 11-sentence paragraph: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/347903139948194855/.

You will be evaluated according to the rubric. Please review it before you begin.  


# 5 4-3 2-1 0 Score
Grammar Writer uses accurate grammar throughout. Writer uses MOSTLY accurate grammar throughout. Writer uses SOME accurate grammar throughout. Writer has many glaring grammatical errors.
Conventions Writer uses appropriate punctuation and accurate capitalization and spelling. Writer uses MOSTLY appropriate punctuation and MOSTLY accurate capitalization and spelling. Writer uses SOME appropriate punctuation and SOME accurate capitalization and spelling. Writer does not use appropriate punctuation or accurate capitalization or spelling.
Organization The paper is organized in the 11-sentence paragraph format. The paper is MOSTLY organized in the 11-sentence paragraph format. The paper is SLIGHTLY organized in the 11-sentence paragraph format. The paper is unorganized.
Content The paper contains all of the parts of an argumentative essay. The paper contains MOST of the parts of an argumentative essay. The paper contains A FEW of the parts of an argumentative essay. The content does not support an argument.

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