
Nursery Rhymes



How well do you know your nursery rhymes?

You will each be graded by how well you worked within your group and participated in the presentation to the class.

I will also be looking at the quality of work you did on your individual books and your explanation at the end of your book.  


# Beginning Developing Proficient/Mastered Exemplary Score
I participated in group work, including the presentation. I helped with some things, but did not recite the nursery rhyme with my group. (2 points) I worked with one other group member, and said a few words of the nursery rhyme with my group. (3 points) I worked with most group members, and recited most of the nursery rhyme with my group. (4 points) I worked well with all group members, and recited the whole nursery rhyme with my group. (5 points) 5
I made my nursery rhyme book. I included a title page, a few quick illustrations, and a couple words at the end. (2 points) I included a title page, some illustrations, and somewhat of an explanation at the end. (3 points) I included a title page, most illustrations, and a short explanation at the end. (4 points) I included a title page, good illustrations, and an explanation at the end. (5 points) 5
I shared my book with the class. I showed a few pages, and mumbled through the last page. (2 points) I showed most illustrations, but was very quiet when reading my last page. (3 points) I showed each page, and read most of my explanation loud enough for everyone to hear. (4 points) I showed each page so everyone could see it, and I read my explanation loud enough for everyone to hear. (5 points) 5
I can recite my nursery rhyme. I can say a few words of my nursery rhyme by myself. (2 points) I can say part of my nursery rhyme by myself. (3 points) I can say my entire nursery rhyme by myself. (4 points) I can say and sing my entire nursery rhyme by myself. (5 points) 5

Total Score: 20

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