
The Island of the Blue Dolphins




Evaluation Rubric

 0-6 7-12 13-19 20-25 Score


Many assignments were not completed.Some assignments not completed. All assignments completed with acceptable content.All assignments completed with well developed and insightful content. 


The student rarely contributed to the discussion. Under-standing of the book was weak.

The student participated in the  discussion only when called upon rather than making voluntary contributions. Understanding of the book was not clearly expressed.The student participated in the discussions without prompting and his/her understanding of the book was usually evident through comments shared with the group.The student assumed an active role in discussing plot, theme, and characters, and his/her understanding of the book was always evident through the  comments shared with the group.

Research The student had difficulty working independently on the research assignments and was unable to complete them.The student needed help in locating and  organizing information for the research assignments but completed most of them. The student located and organized information and completed all of the research assignments. The student demonstrated the ability to  research independently, to locate relevant information quickly,  and organize and express ideas clearly in the completed assignments.

Power Point presentation was incomplete.Power Point presentation was completed.Power Point presentation was organized, interesting, and creative.  It effectively instructed the viewer on the topic.Power Point presentation was very well organized, filled with interesting information, and had many creative touches.  It very effectively instructed the viewer on the topic.  

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