
Wecome to the world of the vertebrates of Australia.



Well, done!!

You've just finished your journey to the world of the vertebrates in Australia!

Now, I and ask you if you know about me! Did you find I'm truly, really, famous in my hometown?

What was my other name? Yes! It was 'Platypus'!

And I am so  unique mammal because I'm egg-laying mammal.

I hope you had a good time here. Well, I did!

Next time when we meet, I'm sure you will be able to tell me more animals of 5 categories of the vertebrates!.

Next time when we meet, we will talk about a bird named Kiwi. Click the link below and get ready for the discussion. It's going to be very interesting!


Good-bye, my friend!

Good day! (This is Australian say to say good-bye. As you know, I'm Aussie :D)



Web Link
  • The Kiwi bird which can not fly
    Description: This is a link of Kiwi bird of New zealand. It's being protected by the Government of New Zealand because it's about to extinct. Let's take a look and find out why this little bird can not fly.

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