My Profile

  • Annia Alonso *

    • Miami Springs, United States
    • Female
    • School Teacher
    • Member Since: July 1, 2013
  • My Published WebQuest(s)

  • Who Was...?
    On this Web Quest 5th grade students will be able to select a famous person to research. This person can be a scientist, a writer, an inventor or a historical figure. Pick someone in whom you are interested, research, and write a brief article in a
    Subject: Foreign Language | Grade: 3-5
    Author(s): Annia Alonso, Ana Monteagudo, David Pacheco, Carmen Benitez
    Views: 1,660 | Favorited: 1 | Reviews: (0)

  • This WebQuest is geared to help those students who are just beginning to study the different countries from around the world that speak Spanish.
    Subject: Foreign Language | Grade: 3-5
    Author(s): Annia Alonso
    Views: 5,099 | Favorited: 3 | Reviews: (0)
  • Los Carnavales En Los Paises Hispanos
    Discover the special traditions of Carnival in several Spanish speaking countries.
    Subject: Foreign Language | Grade: 6-8
    Author(s): Annia Alonso
    Views: 7,113 | Favorited: 6 | Reviews: (0)
  • Pintores De Mexico
    Through this webquest you can become expert about some importants mexican painters.
    Subject: Foreign Language | Grade: 6-8
    Author(s): Annia Alonso
    Views: 1,802 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Who Was...?
    On this Web Quest 5th grade students will be able to select a famous person to research. This person can be a scientist, a writer, an inventor or a historical figure. Pick someone in whom you are interested, research, and write a brief article in a
    Subject: Foreign Language | Grade: 3-5
    Author(s): Annia Alonso
    Views: 1,527 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • The Aztecs
    Throughout this webquest the students will be able to analyze and explore the life of an ancient culture: The Aztecs.
    Subject: Foreign Language | Grade: 6-8
    Author(s): Annia Alonso
    Views: 1,786 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Dia De San Valentin
    With this WebQuest, the student is going to develop a project based on Valentine's Day.
    Subject: Foreign Language | Grade: 6-8
    Author(s): Annia Alonso
    Views: 2,078 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • La Musica Del Caribe Hispano.
    Investigar sobre los origenes de la musica caribena y sus diferentes ritmos.
    Subject: Foreign Language | Grade: 6-8
    Author(s): Annia Alonso
    Views: 2,016 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Grandes Civilizaciones Del Mundo Pre-Hispano
    In this assignment you will going to learn about the most important civilizations in Hispanic world: Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas.
    Subject: Foreign Language | Grade: 6-8
    Author(s): Annia Alonso
    Views: 1,783 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Un Hispano Famoso
    In this webquest you will create a poster about a well-known person of Hispanic origin in the United Stated.
    Subject: Foreign Language | Grade: 6-8
    Author(s): Annia Alonso
    Views: 1,930 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Cronica De Un Viaje
    In this project you will prepare an illustrated travelogue.
    Subject: Foreign Language | Grade: 6-8
    Author(s): Annia Alonso
    Views: 1,558 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)
  • Los Indios Tainos
    Through this webquest, the students will learn about Tainos tribes.
    Subject: Foreign Language | Grade: 6-8
    Author(s): Annia Alonso
    Views: 2,514 | Favorited: 1 | Reviews: (0)
  • El Conquistador: El Cid Campeador
    through this webquest the students will learn about one of the most important legend from Spain: The Cid
    Subject: Foreign Language | Grade: 6-8
    Author(s): Annia Alonso
    Views: 1,605 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)