My Profile

  • Christina Lytle *

    • City, United States
    • Female
    • Position
    • Member Since: October 1, 2012
  • My Published WebQuest(s)

  • Be A New England Colonist Come Join Me In Freedom
    Choosing to live in the 13 colonies; discovering how families are surviving in their new home. For the assignment a group of 4 will write a letter back to England persuading relatives to come settle in the New England Colonies by showcasing freedom
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 3-5
    Author(s): Christina Lytle, Michelle Duarte, Jennifer Brooks
    Views: 1,935 | Favorited: 4 | Reviews: (0)
  • Types Of Government
    Through this WebQuest students will be able to define and explain different types of government their benefits and drawbacks. This is done by covering all five strands of Social Studies: American History, World History, Civics/Government, Geography
    Subject: Social Studies | Grade: 6-8
    Author(s): Christina Lytle
    Views: 549 | Favorited: 0 | Reviews: (0)