
Illness Diagnosis WebQuest



Welcome: Illness Diagnosis WebQuest
Description: You just finished learning about cell types, structure and function. You spent time comparing and contrasting prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Within that time frame you discussed bacteria, viruses and diseases. You will know make a real life connection based on your prior knowledge. The main goal is to meet with a group of patients and provide a diagnosis and treatment plan. However, you will be on a team of doctors. You will have the chance to speak with the patient but then you must go and research their symptoms. Once you have completed your research you meet with your medical team and discuss your findings, diagnosis, treatment plan, possible cause and future preventative measures. The team must agree on what is presented to the patient. Science Inquiry and Application Standards/Goals: Think critically and logically to connect evidence and explanations Analyze and interpret data Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and predictions Communicate scientific procedures and explanations
Grade Level: 9-12
Curriculum: Science
Keywords: illness, diagnosis, treatment, disease, treatment, virus, bacteria
Author(s): Megan Hansen

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WebQuest Hits: 317
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