
Holidays and Celebrations in English Speaking Countries

Teacher Page


Hello, fellow!

A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. These can be created using various programs, including a simple word processing document that includes links to websites.

This kind of resource is very easy to create, it does not take a lot of time to do it. This resource fits perfect in a lesson plan and any kind of topic you want your students to develop. 

I recommend to you to follow step by step this process, so you are not going to have misunderstanding with it. 


This WebQuest is addressed to kids between 9-12 years old with a basic-intermediate English level. According to the following  standards for foreign language learning:


Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.


Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.


Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.


Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate the understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.


Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life‐long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.


Thanks to the teacher Kristine for hooking the students to go far away than we should.



Dear future teachers;

"The most important thing that schools can do is not to use technology in the curriculum more, but use it more effectively." John G. Palfrey

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WebQuest Hits: 952
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