
Holidays and Celebrations in English Speaking Countries



You are going to develop the topic "Holidays and celebrations in different English countries."  You are going to learn about some different and most representative celebrations that an English speaking country has. Also, you have to check the material that is here to develop the different stages of the task that you must do. Remember that in order to succeed with your project,  you should not skip any of the steps. This project is individual.  

Let's get started!

You  must:

1.  Watch the videos attached about different holidays and celebrations.

2. Answer the questions related to the video about the celebration you choose.

3. Create a creative presentation according to your answers.

You will be able to:

-Differentiate the differentes characteristics that are owned from each holiday or celebration in their different countries by watching the video from each event.

-Demostrate understanding of the diferences of each holiday by answering some questions.  

-Design a presentation based on your selected holiday by showing all its characteristics into account.

Remember that for the final presentation of this project, you are going to prepare a presentation (BE AS CREATIVE AS YOU CAN). You can use:

1. Power Point: You must develop your favorite holiday or celebration and to separate it into slides, you choose how to do it, the images, colors and supported material. 

2. Cardboards or images: You can create your own material to present the topic.


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