
The Old English and Medieval Periods of Literature

Teacher Page

This WebQuest is all about the cultures and literatures of the Old English and Medieval periods in Britain.  The purpose is to help my students gain some insight into how the stories, dramas, and poetry from these times might have been influenced by things like religion, politics, and traditions from the period.

Most of the questions are relatively simple, so students should be able to complete this activity in a regular 1-hour-long class period, though some students made have to complete it at home.  The follow-up PowerPoint assignment should take no more than half an hour.

I created this WebQuest activity with my personal teaching philosophy in mind.  That is, I want to introduce class materials in such a way as to foster a love of literature and culture in my students.  I want my students to be interested in completing this, and other, activities and want to learn more about the material.  My goal as a teacher is to provide my students with the knowledge and literary education they will need to become successful adults and citizens of the literary world.

I hope this WebQuest will be helpful to you in your classroom.  Thank you!



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