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This WebQuest basically focuses on genetic disorders. The objective of this webquest is to help students learn about genetic disorders and where they come from.


A basic knowledge of heredity needs to be already taught in the classroom before students jump into the project. Vocabulary such as: phenotype, karyotype, genotype, heredity, genetics, DNA, and RNA need to be covered prior to research.


  • Students will understand heredity.


  • Students will understand genetic disorders.


  • Students will research genetic disorders and karyotyping.


  • Students will come to understand the role of genetic counseling.


  • Students will have complete a PowerPoint and present to class.


Prerequisite Skills: Comfort level with the Internet
Time Required: A minimum of 2 to 3 days in the computer lab.


Technology Needs/Materials Needed
Since students will be working in groups, it is necessary for each student to have a computer, but each group must have access to the Webquest.


The resources and web links included on this website are external websites and I would like to thank them for creating such useful WebPages.



The Public URL for this WebQuest:
WebQuest Hits: 9,406
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