
The Digestive System

Teacher Page


The goal of this WebQuest is to create a student-made PowerPoint that describes the human Digestive system, functions of the different organs and how they contribute to the overall function of the human body as a whole.

This is an excellent way for students to learn the Digestive system and have fun while doing it. It is also a great way for you, as a teacher, to play the role of the supervisor without having to do it while teaching. The students do much of the work, if it is done properly and, if you choose to let the oral reports be a modified lesson on the Digestive system, then it is a great experience for the entire class. The time frame for this project is subject to many variables, but 2 to 4 school days seems reasonable in most cases. Enjoy!


Effective teachers model and apply the ISTE Standards for Students as they design, implement, and assess
learning experiences to engage students and improve learning; enrich professional practice; and provide positive models
for students, colleagues, and the community

Educators should give students opportunities to be creative and reflective within a real-world context and to use digital tools and resources in both face-to-face and virtual environments.

The teacher in the task asked the students to work collaboratively in teams/groups so they can have conversations about the data and make group decisions about how to represent it. The teacher has provided the context of healthy living, but the students collect their own meaningful data from their grade leve l (grade 7). They use digital tools to collaboratively create a product and build an understanding of how the data they collected compare to real-world data.

Lesson planning remains a tool for teachers to use to make sure they are covering the required materials. The 5E Model for planning and adding technology to it, creates a very powerful way to bring the curriculum to life for all students. Work is far advanced to establish the new National Standards Curriculum in Jamaica, for grades seven to nine levels in secondary education. 

Activities that capture the students’ attention, stimulate their thinking, and help them access prior knowledge. Students become engaged in the process of inquiry. The teacher can ask questions to find out what students already know, or think they know, about the topic and concepts to be covered. These questions typically start with “how” instead of with “why.”
Students, with their teachers, review and assess what they have learned and how they have learned it. Students were given a summative assessment to demonstrate what they know and can do.


Thanks to my course lecturer Mrs. Williams-Young  who guided me in my WebQuest creation.


“Create a personal learning network, both face to face and online. This provides you access to invaluable resources, support and encouragement as you explore teaching and learning. Plus, if you teach, you rock!” 

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