
Women's History Museum of Baltimore

Teacher Page


Hello Fellow Music Educators,

The Women's History of Baltimore webquest is designed to teach students more about women composers in music history. Often times, women are not discussed much or mentioned in music history textbooks. People leave music knowing Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, and even other more obscure composers such as Ravel or even Borodin. I remember being in music history myself and my professor doing supplementary lessons on women composer and musicians because, much to her horror, there were barely in mentions of the various women contributors to music. Obviously, I felt the same way. So, I wrote this webquest spanning from chant to modern music making.  

This webquest would be be best done in 7-8 days. Ideally, students should be given 2 days to research and write a short bio about their chosen/assigned composer, 1 day to receive feedback from their peers and to begin to plan how to design their posters, 3 to 4 days to create their posters and a day to present. Depending on the the amount of time your class periods and class scheduling, you may reduce or increase this time frame

It is my great hope that this webquest will help teach students more about women contributors to music history. 

-Lexis Hutchinson


Develop knowledge of a wide variety of styles and genres through the study of music history

Listen to and describe similarities and differences in more than one version of the same piece, including examples representative of a variety of styles and genres, both historical and contemporary

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