
Emotional Awareness

Teacher Page


Focus of Web Quest: 
 This webquest focus is to help individuals to develop the ability to assess and supervise one's emotions, thoughts and self. The objective of this webquest is to help students be aware of the emotions of others and of groups. By being aware of these feelings students will become better individuals in school, home, and the community.

Time Required
The time required for this web quest will  take approximately 15 - 30 minutes.
Specific Instructions/ Advise for Teachers

Web quests are great motivators for students as they almost always enjoy doing them. This is because they are an innovative, project-based learning experience that can really challenge the boundaries of learning in the classroom. So the  web quest is  good tool to be used in the classroom to enhance learning through technology.


Standards:  Students should be able to be at a comfort level where they will be expressing their feelings and try to enjoy the activity.

Grade Level:The Grade Level is ages 9 through 12.
Curriculum:The Curriculum will be Health / PE, also for a Guidance Lesson to help students to control their emotions and be aware of others.


The resources and web links for images included in this webquest are external websites and I would like to thank them for creating such useful web pages for individuals to get information from. 


Teachers should have fun with helping students who are going to experience new feelings and should be intrigued in teaching them in enjoyable ways about new words to describe his/ her feelings.

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WebQuest Hits: 614
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