
Emotional Awareness



  1. First you will be assigned into groups of four (4).  
  2. Each groups of 4 will be assigned key words such as Surprise, Anger, Sadness, Happiness, Fear and Joy where they will get other words to describe these emotions. For example: Keyword-Love Secondary word- Compassion
  3. After which individuals in each group will make name cards, while instructor will have a chart titled "Name the Feeling". There will be different emotions on the chart so each student will place their name under the emotion in which they are feeling.  
  4. Students will also do a game called mirroring. One person in the group would be the leader and the others have to copy the individual. The leader will do a emotion while others copy then say what the emotion is.
  5. For the last activity each group will make three (3)emoji faces with the new words they have learnt from the first activity of key words.


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