

Teacher Page

  .Allow Access to Drinking Water

 • Allow students to visit the water fountain throughout the school day and
to carry water bottles in class.
 ■ Send a note to parents that students will be allowed to bring water
bottles to your class, though not mandatory. If bottles are filled
at home, ask parents to use only plain water.
• Inform school maintenance staff if water fountains are not clean or are not functioning properly.


Create A Physically Active Classroom
• Incorporate movement into academic lessons or add short bursts of activity
(5-20 minutes) to regularly planned break times.
■ Read a book aloud while students walk at a moderate pace around
the room, and then ask students to identify the verbs or action words
in the book by acting them out through physical activity.
■ Take students for a walk indoors or outdoors as part
of a science lesson.
• Include content about fitness, movement skills and the importance
of physical activity as part of math, science or writing lesson plans.
• Work with the physical education teacher to get ideas, information,
and resources to help students stay physically active

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