
Africa South of the Sahara

Teacher Page


This WebQuest is designed to help students learn about different cultures in Africa, specifically from the perspective of an African student.  The WebQuest itself will only take between 20-30 minutes, but students will need more time to brainstorm ideas and then create their final presentation-probably another 45-60 minutes.  More time will be needed if you allow students to present their projects to the class.  


Iowa Common Core Standards:


Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand how cultural factors influence the design of human communities.


Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand how culture affects the interaction of human populations through time and space.


Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand how physical and human characteristics create and define regions.


I would like to thank Dr. Michael Miller at Morningside College for providing the inspiration needed to complete this WebQuest. Also helpful was the information found in the websites at TIME.

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