
The United Kingdom

Teacher Page


This is a project about the United Kingdom and its culture, sights, history and present, music and sport. It is prepared for all the students in my primary school. The older students will present the topic, and the younger students will learn from them. You need a lot of time to prepare all before the week of the UK. Many extra work at home and at school for the students and teachers.



According to our curriculum, this cultural topic has to be introduced through all the levels.
The students will learn using intergrated skills, and the older students need to know how to use the computers and the Internet. The youngest students are beginners, they are elementary level students according to the CEFR (The Common European Framework of Reference of Languages) and they will be guided through some of the stages of the project, like famous sights and people, some symbols, food and sports.
The older students are A2/B1 level students; and they will use English to present the project.


The most of the work will students do, especially the 7th and the 8th graders.
My art, technical education teachers will prepare all the art and model work for this week.
I will use the videos from Youtube, and copy right free sites for the materials on the posters.


Don't forget to have fun with your students, and take a lot of photos during this week:-)

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