
Protectors of Animal Life- 5th Grade

Teacher Page


Target learners- This WebQuest was for inner city children struggling with the issue of justice. These students are taught the necessary tools to research a problem and develop a solution. These students are very passionate about being mistreated. The students are in the 3rd grade some should be in the 5th but because of test scores and days missed in school have were kept back. This WebQuest allows them to relate to their own experiences and draw non violent solutions to their problems.

Standards-(CCT Science Frameworks 3rd grade,4th grade, 6th grade)

Heredity and Evolution – What processes are responsible for life’s unity and diversity?
3.2 - Organisms can survive and reproduce only in environments that meet their basic needs.

Plants and animals have structures and behaviors that help them survive in different environments.

Matter and Energy in Ecosystems – How do matter and energy flow through ecosystems?
4.2 - All organisms depend on the living and non-living features of the environment for survival.

When the environment changes, some organisms survive and reproduce, and others die or move to new locations

Matter and Energy in Ecosystems – How do matter and energy flow through ecosystems?
6.2 - An ecosystem is composed of all the populations that are living in a certain space and the physical factors with which they interact.
¨ Populations in ecosystems are affected by biotic factors, such as other populations, and abiotic factors, such as soil and water supply.

Populations in ecosystems can be categorized as producers, consumers and decomposers of organic matter.




Additional Resources-

Slide Show


Slide Show Quiz- (as an alternative students can fill out this quiz instead of the lengthy worksheet for the slide show)


Slide Show Activity Worksheet


Slide Show Activity Worksheet Answers


Teacher Resources



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