
Shop Class Safety

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This web quest is to introduce students to safety measures in the Industrial Arts classroom. It provides vital information and assessment for students' success. 


A- California K-12 Academic Content Standards
Subject: Career Technical Education (Grades 7 - 12)
Industry Sector: Building Trades and Construction
Foundation Standard: 6.0 Health and Safety Students understand health and safety policies, procedures, regulations, and practices, including the use of equipment and handling of hazardous materials:
Area: 6.1 Know the policies, procedures, and regulations regarding health and safety in the workplace, including employers� and employees� responsibilities.
Area: 6.2 Understand critical elements of health and safety practices related to storing, cleaning, and maintaining tools, equipment, and supplies.
Area: 6.6 Understand the importance of identifying health and safety problems as well as asking for help or approaching supervisors to discuss concerns.
Foundation Standard: 7.0 Responsibility and Flexibility Students know the behaviors associated with the demonstration of responsibility and flexibility in personal, workplace, and community settings:
Area: 7.1 Understand the qualities and behaviors that constitute a positive and professional work demeanor.
Area: 7.2 Understand the importance of accountability and responsibility in fulfilling personal, community, and workplace roles.
Area: 7.4 Understand that individual actions can affect the larger community.
Career Pathway: A. Cabinetmaking and Wood Products Pathway The Cabinetmaking and Wood Products Pathway provides learning opportunities for students interested in preparing for careers in cabinet construction, millwork, and wood products and covers the construction of both custom and production products.
Pathway Standard: A6.0 Students understand the value and necessity of practicing occupational safety in the cabinetmaking industry or shop:
Indicator: A6.3 Understand how to handle and dispose of toxic materials safely and use protective clothing as needed when using lacquers, acetone, thinners, staining materials, and so forth in an environmentally responsible manner.


Dr. Gail Reeder-Azusa Pacific University
Columbia University-Safety information
Marceline R-V Agriculture Education for safety contract
Google images


Safety cannot be over emphasized in the classroom. Please take time with students to ensure ensure proper measures are taken to keep students safe in the classroom!

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