
Healthy Eating for Toddlers and Young Children

Teacher Page


Lesson duration: 30 minutes

This lesson was chosen to allow students to become au fait with creative ways in which a toddler and young child meal can be prepared ensuring that all the required nutrients are included. Toddlers tend to be fed a lot of snacks, junk food, fast food and frozen food as this is what they think they like. However, if meals are prepared creatively with all the required nutrients and given to them then they will become use to healthy food from an early age. Students will get the chance to create a healthy meal plan for breakfast. lunch, and dinner.


Even though this web quest is created for students between the age of 9-12, it can also be used by parents, pediatricians, and other health personnel's.


Special thanks is given to Ms Patrina Hibbert who gave me the required guidance to complete this web quest.


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