
Healthy Eating for Toddlers and Young Children



Step 1. Open Microsoft word document and view photos attached of toddlers and young children and be asked to state what the lesson will be based on .

Step 2. Open the attached site on Giving your toddlers a balanced diet to gain basic background information on recommended nutrients for toddlers and young children. 

Step 3. View  Power Point presentation on Meal Planning to gain additional information on nutrients that are suitable for toddlers and young children and sources of gaining these nutrients.

Step 4. View YouTube video clip 'Health Eating for Toddlers' on planning creative meals for toddlers and young children.

Step 5. After viewing video clip students will work in pairs to discuss how they can create creative meals for toddlers and young children based on the video clip.

- students should be very creative in their planning.

- meals should be nutritious yet appealing

Step 6. Once you have completed planning your meals, you must analyze it. This will be done by looking at daily Food Group Targets. By looking at this you will see whether or not the dishes planned are suitable for toddlers and young children. Students will visit the following page for assistance: http://kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/food/pyramid.html

Step 7. Finally, you will create a healthy meal plan for a toddler.

- try to improve the diet you already have by looking at the Food Pyramid and reviewing the video clip and look at whether or not you met the daily Food Group Targets.

- this meal plan will include breakfast, lunch and dinner and a snack.

Step 8. Email meal plan to facilitator at alicea.salmon@ctc.edu.jm

Step 9. Complete worksheet that is attached.

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