
Achieving Reading Success Through Novels

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Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) for Reading/Language Arts-Grade 4
Vocabulary Development: The student uses multiple strategies to develop grade appropriate vocabulary. LA.
Reading Comprehension: The student uses a variety of reading strategies to comprehend grade level text. LA.
Research Process: The student uses a systematic process for the collection, processing, and presentation of information. LA.


Description of my students: My learners are 22 fourth-graders at Littleton Elementary in North Fort Myers, Florida. There are 13 boys and 11 girls ranging from 9-11 years old. The class is ethnically, academically, and educationally diverse. Academic information: Most of the learners in the class are working on grade-level. However, 14% of the students are struggling in reading. About 70% of the students are struggling with writing including the use of grade-level appropriate vocabulary. My learners have demonstrated engagement and motivation when utilizing technology or web-based resources. They are more apt and eager to work with computers to demonstrate their learning. Personal & Social information: The students have average, sometimes below average, motivation towards the subject of reading/language arts. Negative attitudes exist toward the subject of reading among students struggling in reading. Certain students are easily distracted, hindering their ability to focus and learn concepts. Families are not always available to assist students at home with homework or projects.

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