
Slave Spirituals

Teacher Page


Teachers this curriculum web is designed for an 11th grade American Literature class. It is recommended that students read an excerpt (chapter 18) of Frederick Douglass's, My Bondage My Freedom before attempting this curriculum web. This curriculum web will fit your state standards and will be a creative way for students to learn about slave spirituals and the important role they played in the lives of slaves.


NETS Standards for Students:

1.      Creativity and Innovation
2.      Communication and Collaboration
3.      Research and Information Fluency
4.      Technology Operations and Concepts


North Carolina State Standards:

Goal #1 -The learner will demonstrate increasing insight and reflection to print and non-print text through personal expression.

Goal #2 - The learner will inform an audience by using a variety of media to research and explain insights into language and culture.

Goal #5- The learner will interpret and evaluate representative texts to deepen understanding of literature of the United States.

Goal#6 - The learner will apply conventions of grammar and language usage.








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