
Slave Spirituals



Step One:

Test your knowledge on slave spirituals by taking a short PowerPoint interactive quiz.

Step Two:    
You will receive a slave spiritual worksheet from your teacher. Use your textbook and the resources provided to complete this worksheet. Turn this into your teacher when finished.
Step Three:
Write a journal entry in the point of view of a slave. Explain why spirituals are so important to your daily life.  Explain what your life would be like if you weren’t allowed to sing spirituals while you worked. Describe how spirituals have helped bring some positive to your hard life.  Be sure to write this in a journal entry format. Turn this into your teacher when finished.
Step Four:
You will be assigned a team to work with for step 4. Your team is to design a Slave Spiritual handbook /brochure using Microsoft Publisher or a slave spiritual informational slide show using Microsoft PowerPoint.
Team Divisions: Every person will have a role; divide yourselves up accordingly.
•      The  Researcher: You will be responsible for finding materials that will be useful for your final product (pictures, text, audio clips etc.) Pass these items along to the gatherer.
•      The Gatherer: You are responsible for getting the items from the researcher and sorting through what will be used in your product. You will then pass the items along to the designer.
•      The Designer:  You are responsible for putting the final product together.  You must be familiar with the software (Publisher or PowerPoint) that you will use to create your final product. Pass the final product onto the editor.
•      The Editor:  You are responsible for proofreading and editing  all text included on the final product. Also make sure the layout is clearly organized and easy to read and that your team has reached the goal of this curriculum web.
•      The Presenter: You will be responsible for getting the presentation ready to present to the class. You will carry the presentation and share the material to the rest of the class. You should not be afraid to speak out loud in front of a group and be able to answer any questions regarding your product.

Helpful Resources:

•      Negro Spirituals
•      Traditional Slave Spirituals
•      African American Spirituals
•      Sweet Chariot: The Story of the Spirituals
•      Microsoft Publisher Tutorial
•      Microsoft PowerPoint Tutorial



  • File
    Description: Slave Spiritual Worksheet

  • File
    Description: Slave Spiritual Quiz

  • File
    Description: Journal Entry

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