
Working with Short Stories




Have you ever fancy teaching your students by means of short stories?  ¨ 

Now, you’ll have the opportunity to do so! J

The final goal of your work will be the presentation of a description of the way you would introduce short stories into the study of English at secondary or tertiary level. Be creative, because your ideas will be assessed by your classmates (co-evaluation) and the authors of the greatest ideas will be given a prize!J

In order to fulfill the above-mentioned aim, you should accomplish the following tasks:

 PART 1: Theory

Here you should provide information about the ‘theory’ available about short stories, i.e. a good definition, their overall and specific purposes, the characteristic generic structure as well as the functions of each of their parts.

 PART 2: Pedagogical Application

In this section, I expect you to consider the classroom practices that you will apply with your students by means of using short stories. Remember that this is the most important part, since it shows your creativity and skills as an English teacher!

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