
Working with Short Stories



Your work will be assessed by means of the following evaluation rubric, in which case team work will be emphasised.


Theory 25 points You've covered all the areas of theory in a complete and accurate way. 20 points You've covered all the areas of theory, but there are some items missing in some areas. 15 points There is one or two areas of theory you haven't covered, although you've done a good job with the rest of them. 5/10 points There are areas of theory which haven't been covered, and there are missing items in the areas you've included, as well. ........... / 25 points
Analysis of the short story 25 points You've done a great critical analysis of the generic structure of the short story presented. All the steps are clear and fully analysed. 20 points You've done a great analysis, but there are some steps that aren't fully analysed. 15 points There are some steps which haven't been analysed at all, though the rest is complete and well analysed. 5/10 points There are many steps uncovered, and unaccurate information has been included. ............ / 25 points
Pedagogical Application 25 points There's an addecuate connexion between the group's characteristics and the tasks proposed. The activities are smoothly sequenced. PPP sequence has been precisely followed. 20 points There's an addecuate connexion between the group's characteristics and the tasks proposed. However, activities aren't smoothly sequenced (there is no a clear connexion between them), though the PPP sequence has been respected. 15 points There are some slips in the presentation of activities, with some steps of the PPP sequence not properly developed in the lesson plan. 5/10 points There are problems when establishing connexions between the group's characteristics and the tasks proposed, which are not properly sequenced according to PPP. ........... / 25 points
Creativity and Oral Presentation of the assignment 25 points Highly original ideas to work with short stories in class. Organised and clear oral presentation of the work done. 20 points Quite original ideas to work with short stories in the English class. Organised oral presentation of the work carried out. 15 points Good, but not very innovative ideas to work with short stories in the class. Clear presentation of the class, though not very organised. 5/10 points Very common and traditional ideas to work with the genre of short stories. Disorganised and unclear oral presentation. .......... / 25 points

Total Score: ......... / 100 points

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