
Let's Pick a Vacation Spot !



First, you have to find at least 3 vacation destinations between 200 and 500 miles from where you live.

Additionally, you have to monitor 7 consecutive days of the weather reports using the internet. You also have to look up the weather forecasts over extended periods of time (like the next 2 - 3 weeks) and come up with the best vacation destination. You must use a data table to record the temperatures.

Your task is to:-

a) Find at least 3 vacation destinations - one in the mountains, another one on the beach and a third one in a big city and make a list of major attractions each place offers (at least 2).

b) Find the weather and temperature of all 3 cities.

Your final project will include:

i) 1 or more graphs showing the temperature being tracked over a period of at least 7 days.

ii) A PowerPoint showing at least 3 vacation destinations and their attractions.

iii) A persuasive speech recommending which destination would suit your family best from each child in the family (student) separately.

iii) A class survey of which destination did they like best, using Excel to display the data.

Suggestions :

Since you are family of 3, you may divide up the tasks among yourself.

One of you can be the 'Beach Buddy' whose task is to look up the nearest coast and possible beach destinations and their attractions.

The second one can be the 'City Champ' whose task is to look up the nearest cities and possible attractions there.

The third one is ' Merry Mountaineer' whose task is to look up the nearest mountains and hills, and possible attractions there.

Each student will prepare their own persuasive speech; however, once each member of the family finishes with their part, they can get together for the PowerPoint and Excel survey.

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