
Let's Pick a Vacation Spot !



Yippee!! Vacation time again! And guess what?

You get to pick where the family goes !!

A week long break is coming up in about 2 weeks, and your parents are planning a trip with you all. 

Surprise! This time you and your siblings get to be the bosses  - you get to pick the vacation spot! - but hmmm..................there are a few conditions .........

Condition #1 :

Your parents intend to drive with you all to the vacation spot and spend at least 5 days visiting attractions and having fun. You don't want to spend any more than a day in the car/van / RV. That means the vacation spot should be no more than 500 miles away from where your city is; otherwise it would take too long to get there!

Condition #2:

Your siblings and you get to pick a spot, but you have to find out

a) the tourist attractions

b) the weather and temperature conditions there.

You are on a vacation; you do not want to be in the middle of a tornado or snowstorm, do you?

The vacation spot can be on a beach or in the mountains. It could even be a big city with lots of attractions.

If your family likes snow and winter sports like skiing, you may want to check out the mountains.

If you all are in to beaches and water sports, you may want to look at vacation spots at the coast.

If you all like museums, theme parks and other similar tourist attractions, a city might be the place to visit.

But families never work that way, do they ?

Everyone has their own opinion.

So, each of you have look up your dream vacation spots, narrow down the choices,  persuade each other which one would be the best choice, and then come up with the final recommendations for your vacation spot.

So what are you waiting for ? Come on, let's get going ...............

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