
What is Interpersonal team communication?



To help you communicate with a team approach in mind, you will have two assignments to complete. One individual assignment followed by one team assignment. 

Assignment One
: You are required to reflect on your role in communication within the healthcare team. Reflection is a strategy used for learning assignments to help students learn from their experiences. Reflections can be written or oral. This assignment requires a written reflective journal. 

Assignment two: Perform a role play skit involving communication with the attending physician, when the patient under your care has become unstable. Your skit should last at least four minutes with the use of SBAR communication (S-Situation, B – Background, A – Assessment, R – Recommendation). According to Billings & Halstead (2016), role play is a dramatic approach in which individuals assume roles of others, designed to increase communication and decision-making skills. (p.251)

Billings, D. M., & Halstead, J. A. (2016). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

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