
What is Interpersonal team communication?



Please view the following rubric used to evaluate your performance in this WebQuest.

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# Above average-25 possible points Average-25-20 possible points Below Average-25-16 possible points Below Average-25-15 possible;e points Score
Content Reflective journal contains critical reflection and major concepts of assignment Student conveys critical reflection and answered most major concepts of assignment Student conveys critical reflection and answered some major concepts of assignment Student conveys critical reflection but did not answer major concepts of assignment 25
Evidence for selected reading material All of the journal is supported by selected reading material. Most of the journal is supported by selected reading material. Some of the journal is supported by selected reading material. None of the journal is supported by selected reading material. 25
Role play Student demonstrates professionalism using SBAR. Language is graceful, clear and concise, error-free. Student demonstrates professionalism using SBAR. Language is straightforward, clear and concise, nearly error-free. Student demonstrates professionalism using SBAR. Language is graceful, clear, some errors and not concise. Student demonstrates professionalism using SBAR. Language is graceful, clear, not concise, and significance errors made. 25
Writing style: Organization, Presentation Style, Grammar, Usage, Mechanics and APA Formatting Fully conforms to APA formatting standards. Conforms to APA formatting standards, with only minor deviations. Mostly conforms to APA formatting standards. Somewhat conforms to APA formatting standards. 25

Total Score: 100

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