
Navigating Online Learning for Knowledge Transformation



Format of the Learning Module
This learning module has a total of 3 individual lessons and one culmination project—the concept map. You are required to complete one of the tasks --the Concept Map within this assigned WebQuest to receive the credit for the module. The advantage of online learning for adult learners and senior level nursing students is that by now you are aware of the type of learner you are, and you can dictate the completion based on your own academic goals. Grading rubrics for each Lesson/Project are included below. All assignments require you to submit electronic files. Files can be saved as PDFs, Word Documents (preferred), or uploaded directly into the assessment tabs in the module. For all questions please email me via the course site or the university email accounts. Please do not hesitate to contact me or ask your group members for direction.

1. The student working individually will read an article about new instructional models of teaching and learning. Following reading comprehension, the students will take an online “quickie quiz” and complete a game of Hangman about the concepts presented in the article with 90% accuracy for application of knowledge acquisition.

2. The student will develop a job aid for a concept noted in the WebQuest by working in groups of two; will be able to create an assigned portion of the clinical concept map with 90% accuracy before peer review.

3. The student will provide peer feedback to posted concept maps with online learning module following the posted rubric and online resources used to critique peers. This assignment will be completed with 90% accuracy. 

Learner Assessment 

Task 1: The quiz from “The Thinking Classroom” will be graded automatically upon completion of the quiz. A game using Hangman will evaluate the synthesis knowledge acquisition in reading the article. Full credit will be given for participation of students in this learning exercise.
Task 2: The body of the concept map will be graded according to the specific information asked in the task questions. Make sure the concept map has logical and appropriate flow and proofread for any grammar or punctuation errors. All students must work together to create the concept map.
Task 3: Post your concept map for others to see and respond to another student’s submission. Please upload your peer feedback for completion of this module.


Web Link

The Public URL for this WebQuest:
WebQuest Hits: 737
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