
Classification of living things



1-In nature there are inert objects, such as rocks, air or wind, and living beings such as people, animals and
plants.Look around you and write the names of three inert beings and three living beings.
2-We can recognize living beings because they have the cycle of life in common: they are born, they feed, they grow ... You continue the actions of the cycle of life.

3-The vital functions are the processes that all living beings perform to stay alive. The vital functions are three: nutrition, relationship and reproduction.
 Explain what they consist of.

4-All known forms of life come together
in large groups, which we call Realms.
All individuals of the same Kingdom have
the same basic characteristics. The most
used classification groups the living beings
in 5 Realms:

- Animal Kingdom
- Vegetal kingdom
- Kingdom of the mushrooms
- Protoctist Kingdom
- Monera Kingdom.
The animal kingdom is classified into: vertebrate animals and invertebrate animals.
Write the classification of the other kingdoms.

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