
Classification of living things




# I do not master concepts or express them with clarity or order. I know the main concepts worked but I express them in a disorderly way, but with clarity. know the concepts worked on in this activity. Expressed in an orderly and compressible way most of the concepts worked on the activity. I know the basic concepts about the characteristics of living things. I am able to express in an orderly and understandable way the above concepts. Score
ICT I have a hard time surfing the web and I do not know how to use it. I do not have enough domain to use ICT tools, nor do I know the processes that allow me to work the activity. I sail with some difficulty and my forms of use are not very suitable. I have difficulties to correctly use ICT tools and their processes to carry out the activity. I navigate without difficulty on the web but in certain cases I find it difficult to navigate properly. I have a high command of the ICT tools and processes that allow me to carry out the activity. I surf the web without difficulty. I have a very high command of the ICT tools and the processes necessary to carry out the activity. 4
Collaborative work I do not assume my role and / or interfere in the work of others without contributing ideas to the group. I assume my role by interfering with the work of others and I do not bring ideas to the group. I assume my role but sometimes I tend to interfere in the work of others and bring ideas to the group. I assume my role without interfering in the work of others and I bring ideas to the group. 2

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