
Erin Go Bragh: Ireland Forever!



Traditional Irish music is played and celebrated in a social setting. You'll see people singing, clapping, crying, and swaying together as they sing ballads that recall the country's turbulent past. You'll also see people laughing and dancing as Irish "jigs" are played, which are uptempo, celebratory songs. Don't be afraid to clap and sing along if you see one of these musical displays on a street corner or in a restaurant. It's a wonderful part of the Irish experience!


The Pogues

Description: The Pogues are a mix of traditional celtic sing-alongs and punk rock. You'll be singing the catchy chorus for days!
Traditional Irish Jig

Description: This is a traditional song where people would dance and sing along.
U2 "Sunday, Bloody Sunday"

Description: This popular song by Irish band U2 is about a bloody day in Northern Ireland when British troops killed unarmed protesters. Listen to how the drums take on a military-style march, representing the steps of the troops.

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