
Erin Go Bragh: Ireland Forever!



Traditional Irish food focuses on what is grown and produced locally. Cabbage, potatoes, and wheat are main staples of the Irish diet, along with meats, sausages, and hearty stews. Take a look at some traditional Irish food that we will have a chance to sample, and follow the links to try making these delicious dishes yourself!


Web Link
  • Irish Soda Bread
    Description: We will have a chance to make this at the farm tour we'll take outside Dublin.

Web Link
  • Irish Stew
    Description: You'll also find lamb on many menus. Don't be afraid to try it! You can substitute beef in this recipe if you can't find lamb.

Web Link
  • Black Pudding
    Description: This is nothing like the pudding you're used to at home. This is traditionally make with sausage and pig's blood, and served with breakfast. Please try a bite if you see it! I promise that it tastes really good.

Web Link
  • Corned Beef and Cabbage
    Description: Here's what we eat on St. Patrick's Day in America, but this is also a popular Irish dinner to make the most of cheap ingredients. Serve with Weber's hot mustard for a Western New York spin.

Web Link
  • Colcannon
    Description: The tastiest, most buttery mashed potatoes you'll ever have. This is an Irish dinnertime staple.

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