
Water is life itself!



Today  you will use your text and other resources to read and learn about the importance of water, the states of water,  and that all living things including humans need water to survive and the many other uses of water. You will work in groups of four and also individual work.
Task Task 1. In your group you will do two activities The first activity will show you water in its different states, this  will allow you to observe and record your findings in your group portfolio. You will you will use the necessary materials/ resources provided by your facilitator to make this possible.  

Task 2 You will then write individually about the importance of water and the several uses in your every day lives. Whether a poem or a short paragraph.

Task 3 You will  watch a video and then use your text, The New Integrated Science Workbook 4 to answer several questions along with group 
discussion and compilation of journal entitled " Water is Life on Earth and Why is it so. 


Water- Who needs it.

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