
Water is life itself!



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Water as Solid, Liquid,Gas

Overview of Group Activity:

In your group you will learn that water can be found in three states - solid,liquid and gas. They describe the characteristics of each state and observe melting, freezing and evaporation. Outcomes:  Investigate the physical properties of water as solid, liquid and gas

� Observe water-changing state

Purpose: Students will identify three states of water - water as a solid, liquid and gas. Theyobserve water as it melts and as it evaporates.

Materials Needed:

4 ice cubes 2 glasses of water (1 is frozen) tea kettle

Solid, Liquid and Gas worksheets

Preparations: Freeze a glass of water before activity procedure:

Actual activity in groups:-

1. Display the ice cubes, glass of water and kettle with boiling water placed on tables in the class for each group. Each group will identify each and based on their observation each group will see which of the three is hottest, which is coldest. 

2. As a result of their findings each group will also record what would happen to the ice cubes if they were left in the classroom and not returned to a cold area. 

3. Leave the ice cubes on a tray at room temperature and have every student in their groups observe them as they melt. Are they changing shape? What do we call it when ice cubes become water? Each group will record their information in their portfolio based on the diagram given for aiding visual learners

4. Using a glass of water, in your group you will identify and record it as solid or liquid.

5. Discuss what could happen to water in a liquid state - it can change into a gas or it can be frozen. 

6. Using the frozen glass of water students will observe how water has frozen into the shape of the glass. 

7. As students are monitored A group member will pour a glass of water into the teakettle. Students in their group will realized that as water is heated, it begins to boil, when it reaches 100 degree C then it turns into a gas state- steam - which is a clear gas. The steam quickly cools forming a vapour cloud. 

8. In your group return to the melting ice cubes then record what you found based on these questions:-

Have they begun melting? 

Explain in your portfolio what is happening- the frozen water is turning to liquid water. As it melts, is it changing shape?Why. A visual chart is available below for each for better understanding.

 Step 1:  Use the resources and materials provided to see the three states of water. Record what happen as it change from one state to another in your group portfolio.

Step 2: Use the activity procedure sheet and the diagram to guide you through this activity. Take notice that as the water change from one stage to another their scientific terms eg. freezing, melting, evaporating and condensation.

Step 3:  Watch this video which will help to explain water, its uses and importance.

Step 4: After you have completed the previous steps, in your group read through the following  pages 63-70 of The New Integrated Approach  Grade 4 Science Workbook to learn more 

 View visual chart  provided.

Individual Activity.

Write a poem  Entitled " Water  The  Most Important Thing On Earth"


Water Who Needs It

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