
The Trial 0f President Kennedy



Is former President Kennedy guilty of dereliction of duty?

Your final product will consist of a film, of a role play where you as a class hold a trial and then present the verdict, guilty or not guilty, to the question:"Is former President J.F. Kennedy guilty of dereliction of duty?"
You will then upload your film to YouTube.                                 

The trial will be a class activity, where members of the class will play roles. We call this a role play, or improvisional theatre, because the outcome of the play is not decided on before you begin. The end result will be that Kennedy will be judged,and the world will see your verdict on the internet.In addition, you will have learned a lot about the USA, race relations, U.S. history, and in the course of it all improved your ability to understand and use the English language!



Web Link
  • Freedom Riders
    Description: Here you can watch the film Freedom Riders and learn about the historical background to the film

Web Link

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