
The Bill of Rights and the First Five Amendments



You will cover the 5 strands of the Social Studies over 5 days. Each day will bring a new lesson and related activity for your group that supports the Arizona academic standards.

Day 1:
Each member of your group will utilize an academic resource to identify the first five amendments of the Bill of Rights and describe what they mean to you. (Social Studies Strand 3: Civics/Government, Grade 7, Concept 1: Foundations of Government, PO 1. Analyze the significance of the principles and ideals of the following document: Bill of Rights.) 

Day 2:
Interview your peers, parents, siblings, and/or other trusted adults, survey their views and opinions of the second amendment right. (Social Studies Strand 1: American History, Grade 7, Concept 10: Contemporary U.S., PO 1. Describe current events using information from class discussions and various resources - e.g., newspapers, magazines, television, internet, books, and/or maps.)

Day 3:
Research a country and reflect on how the rights of its citizens compare to the rights of U.S. citizens. Are there any recent events that have changed their rights or ours? (Social Studies Strand 2: World History, Grade 7, Concept 9: Contemporary World, PO 3. Analyze world events of the late 20th century and early 21st century - e.g. terrorism, globalization, conflicts, interdependence, natural disasters, advancements in science and technology, environmental issues - affect the social, political, geographic, and economic climate of the world.)

Day 4:
Draw a map of the country you chose, use symbols to describe the physical environment and give a description of the citizens' culture. (Social Studies Strand 4: Geography, Grade 7, Concept 1: The World in Spatial Terms, PO 4. Construct maps using symbols to represent human and physical features.)

Day 5:
Predict the potential economic impact a change in our rights would have. (Social Studies Strand 5: Economics, Grade 7, Concept 1: Foundations of Economics, PO 4. Describe the characteristics of market economy - a. property rights b. freedom of enterprise c. competition d. consumer choice e. limited role of government.)

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