
The Bill of Rights and the First Five Amendments



This is how your work will be graded ~ First, I will check for completeness and content.  Throughout this WebQuest, you created a portfolio of your work that demonstrated your understanding of subjectDid you complete all of the items on your task list?  Did you submit your essay, your map, and do all of the work spaces contain work?  Second, did you follow the directions?  The WebQuest gave specific instruction on how to complete each task.  Third, I will be looking at writing mechanics.  Do your sentences begin with capital letters and end with proper punctuation?  The sentences should also be structured in a way that readers understand their meaning.  Finally, your participation will be evaluated.  If you were delegated to represent the group, did you follow through?  Or did other team members have to fulfill your responsibilities?  I will use the rubric below for scoring. 


# Beginning Developing Very Good Examplary Score
Completion of Task List 1 of the five tasks on the list is completed. All attachments are missing. 2-3 of the five tasks on list are completed. Several attachments are missing. 4 of the five tasks on the list are completed. One attachment is missing. All 5 tasks are completed. All attachments are included. 30
Execution of Directions The student did not follow directions, tasks do not follow topic. The student followed some directions. A few tasks lack topic's focus. The student followed directions. One task is not completed according to directions. The student followed all directions, all tasks are focused on topic. 20
Grammar Writing is full of grammatical errors, work is difficult to understand. Writing has several grammatical errors, but readers can understand work. Writing has few grammatical errors, readers can easily understand work. Writing has not grammatical error, work displays a deeper understanding of learning material. 20
Participation The team member refused to work with the group and did not fulfill tasks with partners when indicated. The team member worked with the group part of the time, sometimes worked with partner when indicated. The team member worked with the group, but did not fulfill one obligation to the group. The team member worked with well with the group. The team member went above and beyond in helping other team members. 20

Total Score: 90

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