


Your team was brought together to develop a brochure designed to educate individuals who, because of various health or lifestyle habits and family history, are more likely to develop Type II diabetes on how to prevent the disease. Your team includes a physician, a personal trainer, and a dietician. Your team will provide educational material, recommend an exercise program, and provide healthy eating guidelines. You will each pick a role and do enough research to become experts in your area.

Although your brochure is designed to help numerous people, your team wanted to do this project because of one person�s story. Jalisa is a 17 years old and still has at least twenty pounds to lose to be considered a healthy fit young adult. Unfortunately, Jalisa has developed bad eating habits and does not have the desire to change and the inactivity level she has been use to is really not helping her lose any weight.

You can follow the link below for a How-to guide to create your brochure using Microsoft Office Publisher.

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