
Be a Rock Star! with Dr. Stone



Are you sure you're ready for this? I'll need you to research the 3 different types of rocks. I'm sure you know everything there is to know about rocks, but a little help couldn't hurt! Then, I need you to tell me how I could use my rocks. Also, I love collecting rocks, so would you be a really good friend and collect me some more rocks? I would love it if you did! 


To Do List:

1.) Find out what the three types of rocks are. (Rock Activity Sheet)

2.) Collect 9 different rocks and label metamorphic, sedimentary, or  igneous  

3.) Create a creative display for your rocks.


Just for Fun:

  - Create a pet rock and create a book about your pet rock. This book will tell its name, where you found it, what type of rock it is, and what you and your pet rock do for fun.

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