
Native Americans



You are a historian working at the Living History Museum. You need to travel back in time to visit and learn about Native Americans in one region of the United States. You will work in a team of five historians. Each team will be assigned one region to become experts on. You will create a newsletter to share what you have learned about the tribes in your region. There are certain areas that you will need to research in order to gain a thorough understanding of your region and how Native Americans adapted to and survived in their surroundings. The regions are: Arctic, NW Coastal, Southwest, Great Plains, Southeast Woodlands, and Northeast Woodlands.  Each historian in your group will become an expert in one research area. The areas of research are: tribes and geographical features; food and hunting; shelter and transportation; clothing and technology; customs and traditions.

In addition to your newsletter, each historian will create an artifact. This might be a totem pole, clothing, symbol story, shelter, jewelry, artwork, or anything else that relates to your tribe. You must be prepared to explain the importance of the artifact and how it relates to your tribe. Be creative!! Be sure to talk with your team members to make sure no two people are doing the same type of artifact.

Each team of historians will create a presentation board which will include the following; your team newsletter, each individual artifact, and pictures with descriptions of the areas each expert researched.


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