
Native Americans



You will be working in groups of five to become experts and create a newsletter about Native Americans in one region of the United States. Be sure that you read all of the directions carefully and use the following question to guide your research; "How were Native Amercian tribes different from each other and how did they survive in their surroundings?"  Have fun!!

Step 1: Have each team member choose one of the following areas to become an expert on in your region: 

  • Tribes and geographical features expert
  • Food and hunting expert
  • Shelter and transportation expert
  • Clothing and technology expert
  • Customs and traditions expert

Use the research questions (link below) to guide your research.

Step 2: Use the links to websites below to help you in your research. You may also use library books or books from the classroom to help you in your research. Organize the information obtained from your research using Cornell notes.

Step 3: You will be working independently while doing the research portion. Each team member should have his or her own computer.

Step 4: When everyone on your team has completed their research, you will meet as a group to begin organizing and creating your newsletter using Microsoft Pulisher. 

Step 5: Each team member is responsible for completing their expert area on the newsletter (e.g. clothing expert produces the "clothing" part of the newsletter). Since only one person can do this at a time, you will be working on your individual project when you are not working on the newsletter. Remember your individual project (artifact) can be a totem pole, piece of clothing, symbol story, shelter, example of weaving, jewelry, artwork, or anything that relates to your tribe. Be creative!! Be sure to talk with your team members so no two people will be creating the same type of artifact.

Step 6: As a team, you will be presenting the information on Native Americans in your region. After each team member has completed their portion of the  newsletter and their artifact, you will be putting together a presentation board which will include each team members artifact and your newsletter. The presentation board should also include pictures that explain/show each area studied. Each "expert" will present on their area AND the artifact they created.

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