
The Science and Ethics of Human Cloning



The purpose of this Webquest is for you to go on a search for information about human and mammalian cloning. Then you will decide if you are for or against cloning in general, and human cloning specifically. I want you to really think about the ramifications of human cloning and what it would mean to you. Keep in mind the human emotions involved. What if your child had died unexpectedly? Would it be all right to clone that child? What about a pet? What if you had an ill child who needed an exact match for a kidney; would you accept the idea of cloning that child to make sure you got that match? What about therapeutic cloning in human beings? Many people argue that we could cure diseases such as Parkinson's disease if therapeutic cloning was allowed. It is a very touchy subject on both sides. Many people argue that we are "playing God" while others say that we should use all technology and science available to advance our society. Where do you stand? When you have completed this Webquest you will be required answer the question: Are you for or against cloning and why? Do you think that the Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2003 was the right thing to do or a restriction on our rights? I want you to be able to defend your answer and give me specific websites and resources to back up your point of view. We will split the class into those who believe human cloning should be illegal and those who believe it is a great step for science. You will then debate against each other and you will need to be able to state your points convincingly.

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