
European Explorers



You will use the research resources given to help with the following activities:

Your first task will be to choose one European explorer to research.
  • You will need to find the reasons for exploration, obstacles faced along the way, and accomplishments for that explorer.
  • When putting all of your research together make a circle map to explain all the facts you found out about your explorer.
Your second task will be to present your explorer in a "Who am I" presentation.
  • In this activity you will need to find ten facts about your explorer. Make sure to have a variety of facts.
  • You can decide on one of three choices in how to present your explorer.
  • CHOICE #1: Prompt your classmates to guess who you are with a list of ten fun facts about your explorer. You will begin with fact # 10 , which should be the most difficult, and end with fact #1, which should be the most well known fact for that explorer.
  • CHOICE #2: Share the information as the explorer yourself. Speak in first person telling us your life story, or read from your (the explorers) journal.
  • CHOICE # 3: Use note cards or a report format to share explorer information with the class.

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